Lifestyle & Selfcare

  • by Deborah Hartung

    Getting Through the Holidays like a Pro

    It’s barely been a week since the Halloween decorations came down and suddenly, every store I go into looks like Santa’s workshop exploded all over aisle 12. Most of us may be stressed about Christmas, but our poor sisters in the US still have Thanksgiving to get through, first. So let’s spare a thought for them and let’s all take a deep breath and
  • by Sheinna Mungroo

    Don’t Just Show Up – Be Present

    It’s said that Happiness can only be found in the present moment, that’s where it lives, that’s its home. When we live in the past or in the future, we are missing out on the freedom and peace that is in the now. With all the craziness that is associated with being a boss woman, we often forget to stop, relax and live in the moment. 
  • by Deborah Hartung

    Banish Imposter Syndrome & Claim Your Greatness

    No matter how talented and inspiring you are, or what levels of success you reach in your career and your life, chances are that you find yourself questioning your own abilities and feeling like a fraud – like somehow you’re faking it all and someone is going to find out that you really don’t have the faintest idea of what you’re doing.
  • by Chiccorra Connor

    Why Rejection is Worth Embracing

    As painful as rejection may be, it can prove essential to success. Those who let the fear of rejection rule their lives stay stuck. Don’t let that be your case. It’s one of the simplest challenges to overcome. Dive into opportunities head on, take the hits, and come out a winner. Those who won’t allow the sting of no stop them from moving forward a