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The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss

The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss | WOMENONTOPP.COM | WOMEN ON TOPP |

Do you ever feel like you are not doing enough?  That you need to put in more time or more effort to get things done?  I encourage you to look at things differently. Read The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss in this article.

We only have so many hours in a day and as a working mom, we have to be choosy and strategic in where we put our focus.  Time is an investment – we need to make sure we are investing it in the right areas.

Shift your focus off of what you should be doing and start looking at what you need to give up doing.  You see before we can start doing more, we have to really take a look at if we should be doing less; in order to make time for the right things we may need to give up doing the wrong things.

In her book 168 hrs, Laura V talks about how we have a finite amount of time each week – 168 hours.  We all have them; no one gets less or more.  168 hours.  So the question you need to ask is are your efforts in the right areas.  The reality is we do not need to do everything, we need instead to do the right things and give up the wrong things, the things that keep us from investing in the areas that can support our growth and success.

The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss:


I love to watch tv, but time spent doing this is time I am not doing other items such as reading, developing new classes or writing articles for magazines.  So I am willing to give up watching tv during the week so I can make time for the activities I need to do to build my mom-.

Staying up late

I am an early bird.  I enjoy using the quiet hours of the morning to get organized, grounded and focused for the day.  If I stay up too late I will not be able to wake up fresh and energized.  So I am willing to give up staying up past 9 pm for this trade-off.  Others think this is strange, and I have many that make fun of me, but that is ok. It is ok because I have made the decision that my mornings are worth the sacrifice and so I happily jump into bed early each night.

Gossip and Drama 

I just do not have time for it.  So if there are particular issues or people that aw swarming in the land of drama, I do not engage.  I need to protect my mindset and use my brain power to create, engaging in drama and gossip will not allow me to create with the intention I desire and need.

Drinking during the week

Now I love a good glass of wine and a cocktail, but not during the week.  It all comes back to focus.  When I drink, even one glass, it messes up my energy flow, I do not sleep as well and therefore cannot wake up early and energized.  I know that I need to reserve my fuel so that I can give my best to myself, my family and my clients daily.

Success is about sacrifice, The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss

You must be willing to give up a few small things to get the payoff.  Even though these items are small, the ability to give them up, to resist the short-term enjoyment, will allow me to grow and reach the goals I know I can hit.  

So what are you willing to Give Up for your dreams of The Give Up List To Stay Focused Like an Actual Boss?  Putting your time and effort into the right things will quickly add up and you will realize that Giving Up is worth it.

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