Superhero Collective – Produced by Mumpreneurs

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    May 20, 2017
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Superhero Collective – A marketplace for sustainable kids clothing, toys and decor articles produced by mumpreneurs.

During my first pregnancy, I was researching the web for high-quality sustainable kids products that are different to what you can find on the high street. I stumbled upon many small labels on Instagram but I found it difficult and time-consuming to discover them in the first place.

Hence I decided to create Superhero Collective, a marketplace for mum’s businesses that specialises in sustainable kids clothing, toys and deco article. The vision is to make it easier for anybody to find sustainable products for kids and at the same time support mumpreneurs giving them the opportunity to make their passion their profession by expanding their online business.

The marketplace also features a mumpreneur blog called Mumpreneur Squad, a global community where you can find among others inspiring interviews with other mumpreneurs sharing their stories to success, useful tips on entrepreneurship and the latest trends on sustainable fashion for kids. We want to enable and empower mums around the world to be successful.

So far the feedback has been overwhelming and we have already signed up sellers from the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, and Spain. However there are still so many mums out there we want to reach and markets we would like to expand to (e.g. States, Australia, etc), that’s why I have launched a Kickstarter campaign (link to campaign) to raise funds to bring Superhero Collective to the next level and spread the word.

 I’d love to work with you to make a difference in the fashion industry and enable mums to succeed and inspire others to do the same. I’m super excited about this project and it would be an honour to have you on board. If you like to invest in the future of mumpreneurs, head over to the campaign and get one of those rad “Mums supporting Mums” tote bag or jumper. All sustainable produced of course. 😉


About the founder of Superhero Collective

 Sarah is a semi-competent mum, resilient entrepreneur, workaholic and always sleep-deprived. She is passionate about women’s empowerment and truly believes that there are too few female role models in business.

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