Powerful Self-Love Tips for Power Business Women

  • Published on:
    January 14, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
5 Self-Love Tips for Power Business Women

Ahh yes, you. All you ladies who run the business world. You deserve a little reminder to take care of YOU. I’m gonna give you a few ideas to brush up on your self-love.

So here are a few reminders to pack with your shovel and pail when you head out of the office on half-day Fridays. They’re in no particular order. In fact, mix and match all you want, but don’t forget to take time for these imperial parts of living gracefully and taking great care of YOU. (The woman in and outside the office).


(Or Pilates, or some type of body, mind, spirit exercise.) If your spirit animal is a go-getter from 9-5, I’d ask that you introduce it to a little R n R. The gym is great. Running, superb! I run along the Central Park Reservoir. It’s amazing. But, I also take time to nurture my body with yoga and a strengthening, calming workout. The effect: My core is strong, so my posture’s great. And I get to melt away into what my yoga teacher talks about. And if I fall, I fall. Realizing that in business too, it will happen, I’ll mess up, or forget a meeting or something will go wrong and thanks to my yoga practice, I’m reminded to simply lift myself back up. Yoga works for Self-Love.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a natural quality that we all have. It’s available to us in every moment if we take the time to appreciate it. When we practice mindfulness, we’re practicing the art of creating space for ourselves—space to think, space to breathe, space between ourselves and our reactions. This will make you become more aware of where you are and what you’re doing, without becoming overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.

How to practice mindfulness


I’m not talking about your emails on the train, or your to-do list for the next day in bed at night. I’m talking about reading. (And not OK! Magazine. Save that for your next salon trip.) I’m talking about investing in great books that build your sense of self, character, confidence, charisma and all the ways in which you can become a better you. Whichever aisle in Barnes and Noble or Amazon you like to shop, reading should be added to your list. The effect: You’re smarter and wiser. You begin using new words and feel refreshed and accomplished for completing each book.

Travel (after de pandemic)

Nope, not to the corner for your chopped salad or your 2nd cup of Joe mid day. I’m talking, travel. Busy moms, I know it’s hard to plan this one. I got you, but, even if it’s just to the park to sit on a bench, or even getting up early to try a new coffee shop reading the paper for an hour before work. And if you’re like me, you have your year planned with Italy, Bozeman and several other top must-visit priorities. But if you can’t get on a plane, travel someplace new each month to explore the depth of where your soul and mind can go when you are in a new place. The effect: Serenity. You get this sense of beauty and wonder when you’re sitting someplace different, watching others and enjoying some quiet time or conversation with a stranger.

Change something about yourself

Your earrings, shoes, your belt. Make it different. Stop the routine. Ok, routines are nice. I admit, but jazz it up and surprise yourself with something that sparks a new light on who you are. I cut off all my hair a month ago. I found an image on Pinterest, brought it to the stylist at a salon and voila. I’m a completely new woman. I feel free, liberated and confident. So, think about what you can change, because you deserve that spark. The effect: You’ll amaze yourself when you look in the mirror and realize how slight changes can lift your spirit and boost your energy levels.

Face your fears

It is human nature to avoid emotions that scare us.  Who wants to walk directly into what promises to be a painful experience? Except that by continually avoiding looking at the ‘boogeyman’ within, you become hostage to the monster. Typically this involves hiding from any potential stressor that might cause upset and engaging in endless distractions. Alas you are also hiding from potential challenges that can lead to growth and joy. Plus, you can’t hide forever from fear. It’s going to strike, despite your best efforts to suppress it. And it is likely that it will strike at a time when you most need emotional equanimity. Here are some tips on how to face your fears, our favorite one is seeing a therapist.

Become 1 with your flaws

Ah yes, the hardest one perhaps, but the most rewarding. I recently wrote a book called Own Your Vulnerability and it’s been amazing to see the transformations that it’s making with women who read each chapter to find new ways to love their light and dark sides. Life is about loving the fall just as much as the rise. That’s what makes the end a journey, not a destination. The effect: You’ll enjoy being around yourself more when you can forgive yourself for messing up. You may even get a strut in your step. Forgiving yourself is even better at the office. So, what if you added an extra letter to that word in your email and it spelled something not so cool for the recipient. Hey… this is life. And you’re better for your mistakes. Who is perfect? Ah ha. No one…

There’s obviously a ton more self-love tips I could give as I live them daily such as find gratitude, shop (Yes, I said it), exfoliate, eat healthy, aromatherapy, buy yourself roses, enjoy gelato, get a chocolate croissant, listen to a power song, enjoy classical music, sit in a rose garden, throw a rock in a pond and watch it ripple. All of these things can equate to greater self-love and it’s so valuable that you find the time to nurture your soul. You’ll be even better in the office, when you take the time to do the above and more.

Elizabeth Barry

Elizabeth Barry is a skilled marketing professional and a brilliant coach. You can learn more about her at www.elizabethbarryconsulting.com but first, read this: She fascinates clients across America with innovative thinking and strategic business advice. Her business therapy and brand strategy sessions have wowed hundreds of leaders across the US for over 15 year

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