Leading the Way to a Greener Future: Laura Dobos’s Recycling Revolution

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    September 2, 2024
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    4 minutes
Leading the Way to a Greener Future: Laura Dobos’s Recycling Revolution

Laura Dobos is a leader in both tech and sustainability. Known for her work in digital transformation with Fortune 100 companies, Laura has a knack for improving customer experiences and boosting efficiency. But her impact goes beyond the corporate world.

Driven by a passion for sustainability and a desire to make a difference, Laura founded Boxifly Recycling in Austin, TX. This venture was inspired by her frustration with the waste from online shopping and the shortcomings of traditional recycling methods. As a mother and tech expert, Laura saw a chance to address the problem of recycling hard-to-process items that often end up in landfills.

In this interview with Women On Topp magazine, Laura shares her journey from a successful product manager to the founder of a groundbreaking recycling service. Discover how her personal experiences led to the creation of Boxifly, the unique benefits of her approach to recycling, and how technology will shape the future of waste management.

Can you describe the inspiration behind founding Boxifly Recycling? How did your personal experiences influence this venture?

This is a great question. Prior to the pandemic, I was traveling Monday to Thursday every week for work and didn’t really spend much time at home. When I was on the road, I always threw my waste in a corporate bin, an airport, or at a hotel. Once Covid hit we moved to being fully remote as I was consulting for Walmart and they had a travel ban for quite some time. Then I got pregnant in 2021 and then again in 2022 which meant even more time at home. For a working mother, it is very time consuming to go shopping and I took advantage of online shopping for everything. And I know I am not alone in this.

We had so much shipping waste in our household between everyday items and from receiving gifts for the kids that we were constantly making trips to the recycling center. I even started building crafts out of the large cardboard boxes we were getting with my toddlers. At one point I told people I didn’t want anything for Christmas just because I was at a point in my life where I didn’t need presents anymore and I didn’t want to have to manage the waste. 

At this point I shifted to being really into sustainability and being mindful about the waste I was putting into the planet. I also can’t stand clutter, so the pileup constantly drove me crazy, let alone the trips to the recycling center were time consuming. Being in tech, I knew there had to be a better way. I was shocked that there wasn’t a solution for this out in the market that could be solved with a few taps on my phone.

My original thought was to build a service just for cardboard. Nights and weekends I did a lot of research and realized cardboard had a really high recycling rate and where we lag is all of the other hard to recycle items, namely plastics, styrofoam, and batteries. I pitched the startup idea to Antler, the startup accelerator, went through the process, and didn’t get accepted. So I said screw it and decided I was going to build the service myself and launch an MVP in my neighborhood. If it weren’t for getting turned down into their accelerator I am not sure I would have started the business. 

Could you outline the unique value proposition of Boxifly Recycling compared to traditional recycling methods? How do you differentiate your service in the market?

We recognize the limitations and inefficiencies inherent in traditional single-stream recycling systems, which often fall short in effectively processing many hard-to-recycle items, leading to significant waste and environmental harm. Single-stream recycling is designed to simplify the recycling process by allowing consumers to place all recyclables into a single bin. However, this convenience comes with several drawbacks: contamination from mixed materials, limited acceptance of items like electronic waste, batteries, and certain plastics, and the practice of selling collected recyclables abroad, contributing to global pollution.

Boxifly stands out by offering specialized pickup services for hard-to-recycle items such as plastics with resin numbers 1-6, electronics, batteries, household items, and more. We are also open to accepting items not on our pickup list and finding solutions for them. We prioritize domestic processing through local partners to ensure responsible and sustainable handling of materials and maintain transparency by providing clear information about who we partner with. By focusing on hard-to-recycle items, committing to sustainability, and engaging with communities through tailored programs, Boxifly offers a superior alternative to traditional methods, helping communities manage their waste more effectively and sustainably.

Being part of the circular accelerator program in Austin must be exciting. How has this program supported Boxifly Recycling’s growth, and what lessons have you learned from participating?

Participating in the program alongside other sustainability-focused businesses has been invaluable, providing numerous connections in the Austin area. As we all know, relationships in business are everything. Although my business was beyond the idea phase when I joined, the accelerator has offered me the opportunity to revisit and refine my vision, branding, financial model, and pitch.

One of the most significant lessons learned from participating in the accelerator is the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. The program emphasized the need to stay agile, be open to feedback, and be ready to pivot strategies when necessary. It also highlighted the value of community and collaboration, showing that working together with other like-minded businesses can lead to greater collective impact.

What role do you see technology playing in the future of recycling, and how is Boxifly leveraging tech to enhance its services?

Having a background in product management, I have a passion for designing and building tech solutions. However, creating custom tech solutions is often situational. Currently, our booking and scheduling technology is an out-of-the-box solution, which has worked very well for the business in the early stages. In the future, we plan to advance our technology in line with the evolving needs of our business. Most importantly, customers want to know how much waste is being diverted from landfills and how their ESG scores are impacted. Automating this data collection and reporting will be essential. I anticipate significant technological advances in robotics, AI, and self-driving technology over the next 5-10 years, and we aim to leverage these advancements to enhance our services and improve efficiency in recycling processes when the time is right.

What initially drew you to a career in product management, particularly in the tech and consumer sectors?

Before entering the corporate world, I was laid off from a startup and took the opportunity to build a small marketing business focused on pinhole glasses, meeting a growing demand in the South Florida region. Despite its smaller size, I loved everything about it, especially creating products and designing user experiences on my own. This experience ignited my passion for the consumer products sector, which I then pursued in my consulting career. At Accenture, I was part of the team that helped build the Medallion Band for Princess Cruise, and at Deloitte, I sought out projects with Marriott and Walmart to build innovative tech products.

Outside of work, how do you unwind and recharge, especially with the dual responsibilities of business and family?

To unwind and recharge, I engage in activities that stimulate my mind and keep my body active. My background as a ballerina for 14 years has ingrained in me a love for movement, so I enjoy working out with Pilates equipment, hot yoga, or spinning. Once in a while I take classes at Ballet Austin which allows me to relive my childhood passion for dance and get in pink tights again. When I’m not exercising, you’ll find me reading or testing out a new recipe as I enjoy cooking. I don’t watch TV at all anymore; books and newsletters are where I spend my time. My favorite authors are Adam Grant, Robert Greene, and Andre Aciman. Cooking wise, I love sourcing ingredients from local farmers’ markets and creating dinners from scratch. Roman pasta recipes are typically where I get most creative and I am at a point in my life where I don’t go off of a recipe book. Cooking has become an art form for me, a blend of intuition and inspiration.

Who are your role models or mentors, and how have they influenced your journey as an entrepreneur?

Dr. Julie Gurner has been a significant mentor in my journey and I am consistent with reading her newsletter Ultra Successful, also using it to inspire my journal prompts. Her writing just speaks to every facet of my life and helps manage setbacks of the week. There are definitely ups and downs with building a business. Those reminders to “become unconquerable”, “face resistance”, “play the long game” can totally reinvent my day and are not just motivational quotes but actionable mindsets that I integrate into my daily routine. 

Naval Ravikant has profoundly influenced my entrepreneurial journey. Naval, a successful entrepreneur and angel investor, is renowned for his wisdom on startups, investing, and life philosophy. His thoughts on wealth creation, happiness, and personal growth, often shared through his podcasts, tweets, and essays, have been a constant source of inspiration.

Naval’s philosophy emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology and capital to create wealth, but more importantly, he stresses the significance of self-awareness, continuous learning, and intellectual independence. His ideas on “productizing yourself” and focusing on high-leverage activities have shaped how I approach growing Boxifly.

His teachings encourage me to embrace long-term thinking and prioritize mental well-being, reminding me that success is not just about financial gains but also about personal fulfillment and impact. Naval’s approach to balancing professional ambitions with personal happiness has helped me maintain a holistic perspective on my entrepreneurial journey.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of leading Boxifly Recycling so far?

The most rewarding aspect has been knowing that I am making a significant impact on the world. In an era where countless new and refined products, courses, books, and podcasts are constantly emerging, it’s incredibly fulfilling to know that I am creating something truly unique. I also love building relationships with people and it has given me the opportunity to meet so many new incredible people who are also making a difference in the world. Additionally, witnessing the tangible results of our efforts, such as seeing the reduction in landfill waste and the positive feedback from our customers, brings immense satisfaction. Leading Boxifly has also allowed me to grow personally and professionally, which is something I am always striving to improve upon.

What are some core values or principles that guide both your personal and professional life?

Embrace Quality Circles: I like to surround myself with growth-minded individuals who are relentless in their pursuit of self-improvement. Low-ego, open-minded, and highly self-aware friends are my people. I tend to hold close friends and family who not only inspire me but also challenge me to embrace the extraordinary and pursue my wildest dreams. Their unwavering support and encouragement fuel my aspirations, ensuring that I never feel compelled to pump the brakes on my ambitions but rather to soar ever higher.

Learn to Control Your Thoughts: As humans, we often encounter cycles of disruption, triggered by slights, disagreements, critiques, or critical responses. I constantly remind myself to focus on what I can control and make the best decisions from there. Killing assumptions, being bold, and confronting the root of any problem are essential practices I uphold to maintain my mental equilibrium.

Constantly Get Involved in Growth Activities: I love seeking out new or uncomfortable situations where I can learn new things and be challenged by strangers. Cultivating a mindset of curiosity rather than complacency encourages continuous learning and exploration. I am no stranger to going to events alone, taking solo trips, or trying out new hobbies or activities. As an adrenaline junkie, I enjoy sporting clay shooting, getting lost on hiking adventures, or scuba diving. Creativity-wise, I am constantly trying new from-scratch recipes or crafting with my toddlers. Embarking on new activities gives rise to fresh hurdles and challenges, which I embrace as opportunities for further growth and enhancement, always striving for continuous improvement.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through Boxifly Recycling, both for your children and the broader community?

Looking ahead, the legacy I hope to leave through Boxifly is multifaceted, impacting both my children and the broader community in significant ways. For my children, I want to instill a deep sense of responsibility towards the environment and demonstrate that innovative solutions can drive positive change. By witnessing the tangible results of our efforts, such as the reduction in landfill waste and improved recycling practices, I hope they will be inspired to continue pursuing sustainable initiatives in their own lives. 

For the broader community, my vision is to make a substantial dent in the US recycling rates. Currently, the US struggles with recycling inefficiencies and low participation rates. Through Boxifly, I aim to enhance recycling accessibility and efficiency, ensuring that hard-to-recycle items are properly processed and diverted from landfills. By leveraging technology and fostering strong community partnerships, we can improve overall recycling rates and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment.

Ultimately, I want Boxifly to be remembered as a pioneer in the recycling industry, known for its modernized approach and significant contributions to environmental sustainability. This legacy will reflect a commitment to continuous improvement and a dedication to making a lasting, positive impact on both the planet and the lives of future generations.

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