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How To Stop Standing In Your Own Way

How To Stop Standing In Your Own Way

Ladies, how many times have you not taken an opportunity simply because you didn’t have enough self-confidence to do so?  Honestly, it’s terrifying how often this happens.  In fact, I just noticed this happening in my own life which led me here to talk about it with you.  I came to this realization the other day that if I am going to hear the word “no,” it will not come from me!  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.  We hustle hard, have all this potential, feel like we are on fire, get up close to taking that risk we really want just to shut ourselves down.  

Sound familiar?  (PS: Let us know your thoughts in the comments on Women On Topp!)

The most interesting part is that usually EVERYBODY ELSE is rooting for our success, except for our own selves.  It’s crazy the limitations we set, isn’t it?

Why do we do this?  How can we build the confidence and courage we need to demand the conquering of our goals? And how can we build a mindset of steel? 

Well, let’s go there.

You will miss every chance you are not confident enough to take.

Simple truth. If you don’t even put yourself out there, you will 100% miss every opportunity and leave no margin for consideration. Often times we are told to only think about the positive outcomes, but I challenge you to briefly think about the negative outcomes of going after your dreams, too.  What is the worst that can possibly happen?  I challenge you to do this not to paralyze yourself, but because sometimes we let the emotion of fear overtake our subconscious without allowing logic to take over our reasoning for us. I guarantee that once you logically approach this question, the worst possible outcome is actually not even that bad.  It’s mind-blowing how much anxiety we build up and choose to neglect, that ultimately holds us back.

Therefore, tackle this beast early.  Get it out there.  Realize that you are much more powerful than your greatest fear.

Get inspired.

Listen to inspiring podcasts, read inspiring books, check in to Women On Topp’s Instagram.  Sometimes the powerful media we take in can give us that extra burst of adrenaline we need to take the next step.  These channels of energetic support are essential to outweigh the thoughts in our minds, the back-lash opinions of those around us, or the comparison traps we set on ourselves.  Therefore, find your favorite go-to inspirations and keep them handy when you feel that you are lacking in confidence and motivation.

Connect with other powerhouse women.

Start connecting with other women who are where you are working to be.  Learning from some of the best in the business can be super helpful in elevating your mindset and shifting your perspective.  The most damaging thing you can do to yourself that you have nothing left to learn or that you’re too good to start from the bottom.  If you truly want to achieve that dream then be willing to do what it takes and bring a strong sense of character with your admirable ambition.

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