From Courtroom to CEO: Megan DiVincenzo’s Journey to Authentic Success with The Sis Kiss

  • Published on:
    September 27, 2024
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
From Courtroom to CEO: Megan DiVincenzo's Journey to Authentic Success with The Sis Kiss

In a world where perfection and polish often overshadow authenticity, Megan DiVincenzo stands out as a beacon of unapologetic realness. After eight years as a criminal defense attorney—a career that, despite its prestige, left her feeling unfulfilled—Megan took a bold leap into the world of jewelry, transforming her life and career in the process. Now the dynamic CEO of The Sis Kiss, Megan has reinvented herself and her business by embracing her true self and encouraging others to do the same.

Her journey from the courtroom to the jewelry boardroom is a testament to the power of following one’s passion and the importance of authenticity in today’s highly curated social media landscape. Megan’s approach is refreshingly straightforward: be true to yourself, and let that authenticity guide you in both business and life. Through her podcast, “Wildly Unprofessional,” and her vibrant jewelry brand, Megan invites us all to shed the filters and embrace our genuine selves.

Wildly Unprofessional Podcast

In this feature, we delve into Megan’s remarkable transformation, her innovative strategies for standing out in a crowded market, and the inspiring philosophies that drive her success. Join us as we explore the story of a woman who turned a moment of crisis into a launchpad for a new and thriving venture, and discover how her fearless commitment to being herself has redefined what it means to be a leader in today’s business world.

Can you tell us about the journey from criminal defense attorney to CEO of The Sis Kiss? What inspired this career change?

Well I always say, I was a very content and happy lawyer…Until I wasn’t. Something changed with some clients, cases and I became a very anxious and unhappy person the last year or so of practicing. I actually had a panic attack in Court one day and knew it was time to leave the space and pursue something that brought me more joy. I was severely depressed and anxious after leaving and it took an amazing doctor, therapist, family, and friends to pull me out of the slump. After getting my mind and body right, I was able to be creative and joyful again! This is when my sister and I started making wire-wrapped bracelets to sell. Through each sale, my passion and joy returned! And here we are today. I just kept going.

“Wildly Unprofessional” is a unique brand identity for The Sis Kiss. How did you develop this concept, and what impact has it had on your business?

I’ve always been so proud to be unapologetically myself. So, when it was time to do a podcast, and with my background in such a “professional” field as law, I knew we had to call it Wildly Unprofessional!

What strategies have you employed to differentiate The Sis Kiss in the competitive jewelry market?

I started with influencer marketing back when that was a brand-new “thing.” My entrepreneur friends thought I was crazy giving away so much free product and/or paying for influencers. However, Instagram was WHERE the attention was…so to me, it made sense to infiltrate the platform and the people with my product.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses?

To just start! I feel like most aspiring female entrepreneurs want everything to look, feel, and seem “perfect” before launching. But that is never a reality; perfection that is. So you start/launch and adjust. If I could tattoo “Launch and Adjust” on my forehead, I would!

Who has been the biggest influence on your career and personal growth?

My husband, Brian. He is so smart and organized and just overall good at everything. (Which is pretty annoying too! Lol.) He is my go-to for life and business advice. He doesn’t really listen or accept excuses as answers so I always bring my A-game to our conversations. He keeps it and me real and on my toes to always be my best.

Can you describe a typical day in your life as CEO of The Sis Kiss?

If I’m not traveling for work, I typically wake up by 6 am so I can drink coffee while the kids are asleep and talk to my vendors early with no distractions. I always do a workout after getting the kids ready for school, grab my Starbucks, and then head into The Sis Kiss HQ. The day usually consists of emails, podcasting, and marketing meetings. But every day is different and I love that about my life and career.

What motivates and drives you on a daily basis?

My fear of failure and of being average. I’m working on myself and realize that probably isn’t the best answer to give. But it’s what motivates and drives me at the moment. Also, freedom is so important to me. I can’t ever imagine working for someone else again.

How do you unwind and recharge outside of work?

I love to take long walks with my husband, Brian. We talk about life, business, dreams, goals, etc. I also am very involved in fitness, lifting weights, meditations, and hot yoga. I also love to travel with my family.

What’s a book that has significantly impacted your life or way of thinking?

Conversations with God

How do you define success personally?

Being able to be independent. Work and take care of my kids as I choose. Decide when I work and where I work. That is so important to me.

What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur compared to your previous career in law?

The stress level is completely different. If I made a mistake in law, someone’s life was on the line with a criminal record, jail time, etc. If I make a mistake in jewelry, it’s very fixable! I also love that every day is different as an entrepreneur.

Tell us about a moment when you felt most proud of what you’ve accomplished with The Sis Kiss.

When I opened my Headquarters. We threw a big old party and everyone from the community came. It was a very proud moment to see our brand name lit up in professional signs on an actual building. I felt so proud to show her off!

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Definitely working out at my gym, The Gym of Avon. I love doing hot yoga, and walks with my husband. Good Italian wine and travel with my family.

How do you stay connected with your community and customers on a personal level?

I love being present at our retail store when customers come in! Helping customers pick out gifts or custom pieces is one of my favorite parts of the job. Interacting, and helping them choose makes me smile! I also love helping customers style their pieces. It just comes naturally to me.

What does a typical “Wildly Unprofessional” podcast episode entail, and what topics do you enjoy discussing the most?

I most enjoy talking about spirituality, mediumship, and wellness. It’s my passion to learn and dive deep about those topics. My followers love it too and seem to always keep their questions coming.

What’s a mantra or philosophy you live by?

Be yourself, unapologetically.

What legacy do you hope to leave through your work with The Sis Kiss?

To take a chance on yourself to do what it is you love!

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

You don’t need to be perfect. Life is messy. Go with it.

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