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Financial Independence​; Here is How – the Jazzi Story

Jasmine Cooper

Jazzi is her name and finance is her game. Jazzi Cooper, Founder and Coach at Strøm, had a passion and dream from a young age of 24 to create a personal finance coaching solution targeting millennials. This is from seeing the problems that graduates and young professionals were facing when it came to personal finances.

She could see that despite being in the digital age where there is an app for everything including finances, there is a clear disconnect between this and millenials. Most people don’t know where to and step into the working world with no control over personal finances. She wants to change the way young people view money. 

Jazzi has spent over a decade developing her expertise in personal finance through extensive research, reading, and customer interviews. Being an entrepreneur is a top priority for her, not just because she enjoys being her own boss, but because she really believes that there is ‘room for improvement in the world’ and wants to ‘pitch in and tackle some of the biggest problems’ herself. ‘We dedicate so much of our time and energy to earning money – it should be the greatest tool in our lives, not a ball and chain’ 

To every problem there is a solution and to this there is Strøm.

Strøm is redefining personal finance from budget first to lifestyle first. They accomplish this by providing 1:1 coaching which aids clients to clarify and accelerate their path to financial and lifestyle success. Combining real conversations about money with the power of technology, Strøm is showing people how to start living their ideal lifestyle today. 

Strøm is not like other financial management agencies. There are three main ways that they are different. 

‘We’re a Coaching Business’

‘When I work with a client I am looking at their current situation and identifying the gap between where they are today and where they really want to be. We can then make a game-plan for how exactly we can leverage behaviours, habits, and tactics to eliminate that gap’ 

‘We’re Tech-Enabled’

Strøm believes in enabling people to help themselves, the program is not about convincing people which option is the most important. By equipping them with the right tools, such as a customised, interactive dashboard, they can ‘test and tinker’ until they convince themselves on what works for them. Through this ‘hands on’ approach people are able to gain an honest perspective on what their financial overview is, what money habits do they have, how their financial system really works and the impact certain behaviours can have on their daily lives.

‘We’re Lifestyle Driven’

Strøm makes no assumptions on what people want, every individual has different preferences, priorities and dreams. They focus on the client’s lifestyle aspirations. By starting with what is the priority to them and working backwards to develop the right financial foundation ‘we’re enabling them to make their money work for them, not the other way round’ 

Why Strøm?

‘Together we’ll Transform Your Finances to Create Your Lifestyle’

Jazzi has achieved a lifestyle that many aspire to have after attaining financial freedom. Here are 3 top tips to achieving financial freedom

‘Know Yourself’

“Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money, and if you plan accordingly, you’re more likely to stay on track towards your goals. For example, if you know you make impulsive purchases, try allocating money to an account that has penalties for early withdrawal. On the flip side, if you’re a hardcore saver and feel guilty every time you buy something for yourself, make a separate savings account with a small amount of “spendable” money deposited each month – that way when you want something special, you planned for it and don’t feel guilty”

‘Pay Yourself First’

“This is a classic concept discussed in every personal finance book on the shelf, but it will never be outdated. The idea is that every time you receive money (paycheck, bonus, gift, etc), pay yourself first by contributing to your own savings before bills, taxes, and expenses.This is absolutely key to achieving financial freedom.”

‘Start Investing’

“Not investing immediately is one of the most common mistakes I see recent grads & young professionals make. They often think,“It can wait until I’m older” – or – “I’m too crushed by student loans. When it comes to investing, time is your greatest weapon. Even if it’s just

a few dollars, starting as soon as possible will have an unbelievable impact on your financial situation in the long run.”

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