Lifestyle & Selfcare

  • What Successful Women Do Every Weekend

    What Successful Women Do Every Weekend

    It’s weekend, what are your favorite weekend activities? Do you see your friends? Do you take a trip? Do you soak up all the good weather? Weekends are a squandered resource, too often spent either doing more work or in a passive cycle of sleep, food, drink, and pointless activity that's easy on the brain. But a good weekend should recharge your sp
  • by Emma Donovan

    Mindfulness Meditation 101 for Ambitious Women

    Ambitious women love to go fast. We are always the ones out there taking on extra projects, going the extra mile, and sacrificing sleep and free time on our ride to the top. There is nothing inherently wrong with hustling. However, when hustling is all that you do, and you never take a break, your body will eventually take one for you, in the form