Lifestyle & Selfcare

  • by Melissa Fino

    When did Busy Become a Competition?

    Amidst the holiday bustle we all get lost in the shuffle. It’s almost as if we blink our eyes and all of December is gone. Before we know it Christmas has arrived. We unwrap the gifts, load the children into the car, drive an hour to our families, run in and help cook dinner.
  • by Kellie Hopewell

    Your 2018 Vision Board

    It's that time of year again!  Thanksgiving first, Christmas next, and then New Year’s.  I know a lot of people are indifferent when it comes to setting goals for the New Year, but I personally love this idea.  I am a firm believer that "If you don't have a plan, you plan to fail."  So let’s make a plan!  But first, let me tell you why you should d
  • by Monika Bienias – Łocheńska

    What is the Passion?

    Sometimes people use word "passion" to replace "hobby". Of course, a hobby is part of passion but for me, passion is something more. Passion is not only thing what we like to do in free time or give us pleasure but it`s part of our life.