
  • What Poker Can Teach Young Entrepreneurs womenontopp.com women on topp

    What Poker Can Teach Young Entrepreneurs

    To be a successful entrepreneur, you need endless curiosity, the flexibility to adjust to practically any situation, and the strength to conquer anything that comes your way. And with 60% of UK-based small businesses failing within their first two years — a phenomenon exacerbated by the effects of COVID-19 — you'll need these qualities more than ev
  • Blame Your System Not Your Time Management WOMENONTOPP.com women on topp
    by Kelly Nolan

    Blame Your System, Not Your Time Management

    “I used to feel organized.” I hear that a lot from working women. Women who thrived through high school, college, and often grad school with glowing marks and a lot of community involvement. But then, these same women take on real-world jobs, manage a home, often establish romantic partnerships, and sometimes have children, and that thriving starts