Career & Finance

  • 3 Easy Steps To Simplify Saving | WOMENONTOPP.COM | WOMEN ON TOPP |
    by Victoria Sexton

    3 Easy Steps To Simplify Saving

    I met a friend for coffee at Starbucks the other day. Over our $7 drinks she told me that she was having a hard time saving money. She lets herself have little treats like Starbucks because she tries her best to stick to her budget, but when it comes to actually saving money she finds that it’s hard to do. She knows that she needs to save more, but
  • 6 Tips for Starting a Career in Tech - WOMENONTOPP.COM - WOMEN ON TOPP
    by Anita Jacob

    6 Tips for Starting a Career in Tech

    The technology industry is not typical. Every field and niche is unique and so has its own unique patterns. You have to learn them to fit in. this is actually easier than it sounds. The technology industry is considerably more relaxed than others. All the same, there are strategies that always work.