Let’s be honest… Who doesn’t want to be smart? Or be surrounded by friends who are smart? Here’s How To Build Your Intelligence Through Intentional Daily Habits. You might be under the impression that a person’s intelligence is predetermined based on genetics or other factors… In other words, you are either smart or you are not. But research tells us that’s not the case at all. In fact, the data shows how we approach situations and how we feed our brains can significantly improve our mental horsepower.
There are many things you can do every day to learn and improve. The tips shared here aren’t complex or difficult to integrate into your daily routine. In fact, getting smarter doesn’t require a huge commitment of time and energy. You just need to be willing to learn.
How to become smarter? Read here How To Build Your Intelligence Through Intentional Daily Habits.
1. Try to come up with new ideas every day
Think big, and small. Think for example how you can reduce poverty or other huge problems going on. Think of how you can solve a problem you are going through every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small just think of ways how you can solve some problems you can’t stop thinking about.
When you do this, you will have a very interesting way of thinking. You will start to use your brain, you will start searching for so many different kinds of information. Then guess what? You become a much smarter person! Now we know this sounds a bit obvious but hey, when was the last time you really tried to come up with a solution to a problem, instead of avoiding this?
2. Read more scientific articles & books
No, we are not talking about love stories or any fiction. Well sometimes it’s fine, but when you really want to become smarter you should start to read more scientific articles and scientific books. When you read a lot of scientific stuff, you will learn to form your own opinion. Which is the most attractive thing someone can
3. Try to be devil’s advocate
Take something you recently learned and generate a unique opinion on it that wouldn’t immediately come to mind. You know why? This is the only way to learn how to become open-minded and think a million different ways. And that’s when you will become smarter when you have a lot of different ways of thinking. Try to find evidence, and be open to the idea that new evidence will change your opinion. If you do this everything you will be the person who can think out of the box.
4. Subscribe to informative feeds
Now we all know Facebook and Instagram are for fun, but meanwhile, you can learn so much if you just subscribe to feeds that can actually teach you new things. What’s an easier way of learning new things, if it just pops up on your social media feed? It’s super easy to find so why not do it?
5. Share what you learn with other people
You know there is nothing more pleasant than when a person tells you stuff you don’t know already about. So share what you learn with other people, you will not only sound smart but you will also create a charismatic character. Also, you should find someone to debate and analyze the ideas you have. This is a way both of you can learn from each other’s knowledge and learn from each other’s perspectives.
6. Make 2 different lists
Make a short-term goal list and a long-term goal list. It’s a way for you to see where you are going. And you can see it every day, and think of how to achieve your goals. If you never write it down, you will never see it so you will be less determined to achieve it.
7. Make an ‘I achieved it’ list
Not to forget, make an ‘I achieved it’ list. Now you must wonder why it’s needed to write this down. Because it will feel you happy and not make you forget that where you stand right now is something you have worked for. You should never forget the goals you have achieved.
8. Use apps
Whether it is a math app or a vocabulary app anything you can use to train your brains. It is healthy, we forget to get in shape mentally.
9. Take online or normal courses
Never say you have no time. You must have things in life you still want to learn, so go take a course!
10. Surround yourself with interesting people and who are smarter than you to Build Your Intelligence Through Daily Habits
It doesn’t matter if they are strangers, oftentimes you learn the most from people you barely know. Spend as much time as you can with smart people. Every day, you should strive to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you. Someone who inspires you should make you feel alive! Stay foolish stay hungry as Steve Jobs said, always be curious.
11. Follow your questions and curiosity
If you see or hear about something cool, don’t just let the moment pass. Try to find your answer.
12. Do something scary
Getting out of our comfort zone always makes us wiser and is one of the ways of How To Build Your Intelligence Through Intentional Daily Habits. So start doing something scary every day. This is for everyone different, but whatever you think you can’t try to do that!
12. Explore new areas stop visiting same places
Now there’s nothing wrong with visiting the same places, ONLY if you visit enough new places you have never been to! Why would you go somewhere you have already been once before… If you want to learn new things and become smarter you are naturally going somewhere new.
Thank you for this list. I needed this now especially as I am starting my steps into entrepreneurship