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A Happier, Healthier Generation With TheMillennialxMind

Happiness looks different for everyone. For you, maybe it’s being at peace with who you are. Or having a secure network of friends who accept you unconditionally. Or the freedom to pursue your deepest dreams.

Regardless of your version of true happiness, living a happier, more life is within reach. Robyn Prince has a way helpng you get there. Throughout Robyn Prince’s life and everything she has experienced, Robyn has always found that writing has been an incredible outlet for her to express whatever was in her head. Robyn has always been an advocate for helping people – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. 

I find fulfillment in listening to and speaking with people when they need solace, or when they want to celebrate an achievement, or when they simply want to talk. 

Robyn Prince created the brand, TheMillennialxMind, with a mission to spread positivity, introspective thinking, and fearlessness among Millennials (and others who need it). The catalyst for beginning this brand stemmed from Robyn’s own roller coaster of emotions and experiences throughout her life, both personally and professionally, and how she has learned to manage all of the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty that comes with going through life-altering experiences, as well as having major goals to improve the quality of her life. 

My ultimate goal is to create a movement toward a happier, healthier generation. TheMillennialxMind is my outreach to those who can benefit from my words while experiencing life from their own perspective and interpreting them in a way that is personal to their story.

Your ultimate goal is to create a movement toward a happier, healthier generation. Why do you think this generation is less happy and healthy?

I wouldn’t say this generation is less happy and healthy, comparably speaking, to other generations – I believe we are dealing with different issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc., that stem from our constant state of connectivity and the increasing pressure to be seemingly perfect. This generation is certainly one of the most expressive in terms of speaking out about mental health and accepting ourselves and each other as we are but we still have a long way to go. I want to spread the movement toward a happier, healthier (physically and mentally), and more fearless generation because we all deserve to live life fulfilled – and that starts with our mindset.

How do you manage a job, study and TheMillennialxMind?

Life is a constant balancing act between the things we want to do and the things we have to do. I prioritize my time (sometimes unsuccessfully) around what needs to be done in the immediate future and what can wait until the pressing matters are handled. However, I always make time for things that make me laugh, help me to relax, strengthen my mind and body, and take time to remember why I’m doing what I’m doing in the first place. I often realign with my purpose, so I can ensure that I’m staying on the right track. 

What’s your favorite part of TheMillennialxMind? And why?

TheMillennialxMind is real. It’s reflective of being a human and the millions of thoughts that run through our minds every moment of the day. It’s me sharing my thoughts and words that come from experiences that I’ve had in the past or things I experience in the present. I believe we all go through ups and downs in life and experience many facets of emotions in between, and these words that I’m able to share with others are both an outlet for me and relatable for someone else. 

What steps would you share to women who want to do a lot but don’t want to forget about their health and happiness?

Always take the time to check back in with yourself to determine your level of intrinsic, unwavering happiness. Sometimes we think we want one thing, but in reality, we’re meant for another. Success is different for each person – and that is key. You don’t want to get caught up doing something that doesn’t truly fulfill you, solely because you think it’s something you’re supposed to be doing to reach a certain level of “success”. 

On the flipside, I believe we can do anything we want to do if we are determined enough. Some sacrifices have to be made, but we can make it work. Surround yourself with only people who you know will support you, will be completely honest with you out of love (not jealousy or bitterness), and who have similar work ethics. We can’t get to the top alone, so we need to have an incredible support system.

What tips do you have for those who want to renew their life as in new job, moving, etc?

I’ve both moved to another state away from friends and family and have switched careers completely. I think taking risks is part of reaching a life that you truly want to lead. It’s not easy, but most of the time it will be worth the risk. My top five tips would have to be:

  1. Learn to go with the flow – we be control 100% of the time but we can control our response to things that happen to us. We need to be able to reroute if our plan falls apart.
  2. Work to be happy with a little or a lot – true happiness is intrinsic. We can’t rely on external factors to fulfill us.
  3. You don’t have to live life in a traditional manner – if what you want is something on the other side of what you’re doing, absolutely go for it.
  4. Don’t get in your own way – our minds are so incredibly powerful and can be our worst enemies when it comes to stepping outside of our comfort zones. Don’t listen to the negative voice in your head. If you know you are capable, go for it.
  5. There are no rules to how you live your life – if what you’re aiming to do is going to bring you happiness and fulfill a void or a curiosity that has been eating away at you, what are you waiting for?

To what do you attribute your success?

The resilience and think skin I’ve had to build over the course of my lifetime so far. When life doesn’t happen the way you want it to or think it should and you experience things that you have to learn from and recover from, you come back so much stronger than before.

Everyone’s goals are different, so I focus on what mine are and work at them until I reach or exceed them. I use my past failures and experiences to propel me forward; I never forget where I started. 

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Things take time, especially if you want to do it right. Don’t quit at the first sign of stagnancy or rejection; build resilience and push through. Most importantly, make sure you’re passionate about what you’re doing and always be your biggest supporter. At the end of the day, you’re the one that has to get it done – no one is going to do it for you.

What has been your key (or keys) to success?

Even when people doubt me, I believe in myself enough to push forward. I’m constantly reminding myself that life is limited, and we all deserve the same chance at success even if we’re not starting on a level playing field. 

In addition to that, I’ve learned to be resilient and really understand how to read people. Not everyone is going to give sound advice, so you must determine what’s worth dwelling on and what isn’t. 

Lastly, I protect my peace. I don’t give time to people who bring nothing but negativity and pessimism to the table. I surround myself with good souls who have my back no matter what and we all rise, together.

Do you believe in destiny or do you think you can control your fate?

I believe we all have a purpose and that the universe guides us toward that purpose one way or another. When we are aligning with our purpose, happiness ensues. When we stray from our purpose, many other things are out of alignment and out of whack, as well. 

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