Improve Your Career Growth With Lissette Sanchez

  • Photos by:
    Lissette Sanchez
  • Published on:
    March 12, 2019
  • Reading time by:
    6 minutes

Let us begin with a simple fact; women who go into the Real Estate Industry are talented, ambitious, and have a strong desire for advancement. By estimate, about sixty-eight percent of women surveyed all revealed a willingness to hold top executive positions in individual companies, while others sort after starting their businesses. 

However, the fundamental truth is that most women still find it difficult realizing their ambitions. That is why it is essential that they get the right support and mentorship which will help them develop their skills, and carry them forward without facing any obstacle or hindrance by gender constraints.

In the Real Estate Industry, some reputable people performed excellently, and Lissette Sanchez is one of the few women who were able to make it to the top.  She is an amazing and hard working Real Estate agent who has recently reached her goal of selling over $10,000,000 in sales for the year 2018, and she is one of the top producing single agents in her office. She is entirely self-made and works hard irrespective of her gender which is inspiring to other women. 

Don’t you sometimes wonder how some people perform so exceptionally? How did she become so successful? I guess it’s only natural that you do. 

The incredible part is that the answers to these questions are straightforward; sheer determination and willingness to help others. As Lissette Sanchez said in one of her interviews when she was asked why she decided to start her own business, she merely replied “although she previously had her individual women’s clothing boutique in Guadalajara, Mexico, she chose to go into the Real Estate business not because of its flexibility alone, but also because she is a people’s person. She wanted to have control of her time and also help others at the same time. 

Most people, especially women who enter the Real Estate business always do so with the hopes of earning a standard commission solely on performance and not gender. Nevertheless, pay inequity still exists at higher levels. 

There are situations where you may apply for a position and never get it because you are a female despite your qualifications that is the game of Real Estate.

The Real Estate Industry has, for some years been archaic; however, it is getting better every day. 

Most women in the Real Estate Industry sometimes get confused and wouldn’t know how to advance their careers. In such situations, straightforward advice from Lissette Sanchez becomes very useful; “Continue to grow your business and aspire always to be better. Strive to do more and give back in any way possible”. We may be surprised that the outcome of adhering to these simple but useful advices is a stronger and better you. She also encourages mentorship and networking with those that are more experienced in the field.

If women are not moving forward, it may be as a result of men standing up for themselves better than women do. For example, a woman should boldly insist that she be paid the same amount that others in the same position earn.

Below are key steps through which women can improve their career success

Accelerated learning

Women do not like feeling unproductive or incapable of undertaking tasks, that is why most women in the field always seek challenging assignments that will help them accelerate the job-learning process. When there are high-profile job vacancies and appointments, organizations should not only have an eye for male talent alone but should look out for both and challenge those that have better potential. Offering female employees the opportunity to prove themselves under pressure and difficult tasks open a path for those that may not appear as the best choices at that time.

Culture creation

Inclusive workplace culture is yet another essential element which helps not only men, but women also to perform adequately with the right tools. Establishing an inclusive workplace begins from the top. Leaders have to take necessary actions that include women as mentees and to also expect equal quality from all, irrespective of the gender.

Talent mindset

Let’s take an example, a higher-ranking executive that advocates for a woman are much more important than a little HR training session.

Equal Flexibility  

A recent survey showed that women prefer workplaces with flexibility as it is a sign that the senior leadership trusts and believe in them. The study also showed that women in the field prefer to have working hours that are flexible while they are measured continuously on results.

When men and women are allowed to have good work flexibility, they can successfully plan out their schedules to make the most effective use of work and family time to deliver quality service.


There is nothing as important as internal mentorship. It helps women to perfect their leadership skills. Nevertheless, gender dynamics as an obstacle may prevent the effectiveness of coaching. For instance, a male higher-up may not be comfortable bonding or critiquing with a female that is inferior, and likewise, a female might not also find it suitable.

In such situations, women turn to female superiors for coaching and advice. This is precisely the very reason why Lissette Sanchez also dedicates her time to advise people seeking guidance with their careers so they can better themselves.

Final thought

Women in the Real Estate business have every reason to desire a better future for their careers. Progress begins when there is a shift in culture when respect is earned, and when equity is sought. More women like Lissette Sanchez advance every year and become better, and so, every other woman is also capable of doing the same.

If you feel you have hit a career block or you are stagnant, remember women like Lissette Sanchez became successful, and like she always says “You don’t measure success through achievements or awards, you measure it through the satisfaction of your clients”.


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